Harvester - In Development

Effortlessly Document Your Workshop Results Effortlessly Document Your Workshop Results

diagram that shows the how the harvester apps works

Harvester lets you capture and organize photos of flipcharts and whiteboards in seconds, enabling facilitators, coaches and trainers to easily capture and organize the images from their sessions. Export documentation with one click for participants and clients.

Solved Challenges

Drowning in a Pile of Pictures

Wasting precious hours on tedious post-workshop processing

Brand Identity Crisis

Inconsistent documentation styles creating a corporate Frankenstein

Personal-Professional Picture Puzzle

Images are mixed with private pictures on smartphone


Intelligent Scanning Tool

Automatically identify and capture frames of flipcharts and whiteboards, removing surrounding elements and applying readability filters.

Automatic Photo Naming

Save time with smart, automatic naming of captured images for easy organization.

Session and Agenda Management

Create structured sessions with agenda points to keep your materials organized.

Quick Stash Feature

Temporarily store captured images for later sorting into the correct agenda points.

Versatile Export Options

Choose between PDF, PowerPoint and other formats for your final documentation.

Customizable Branding

Apply your own or your client's branding to exports for a professional touch.

Standardized Documentation Templates

Maintain consistent documentation styles across your organization.

Professional Content Separation

Keep work-related photos separate from personal images in a dedicated app space.